Tag : machine shops colorado

Precision Machine Shop

Things to Look for When Hiring a Precision Machine Shop

People should look for several items when they are choosing a precision machine shop to make certain that they make the right choice.

Communication Skills
The person in the shop that you are telling about your job or project should have great communication skills. They should be skilled at their job and know what the others in the shop can accomplish. If this person is experienced, they will also have questions for you to help you to describe your job in as much detail as possible. Great communication is the first skill to look for, because if you and the shop manager are not on the same page, your project may not come out as you saw it.

Innovative Technology
A good precision machine shop is only as good as the available technology they use and it is based on the technician’s knowledge to use it. Research what types of equipment are needed to manufacture a prototype of your project. Then ask what types of equipment the machine shop uses such as CNC Machining, Manual Machining and Wire EDM. Also, ask if the process uses more than one type of machining for the run. The machine shop should also be able to have certified technicians to run the software available for the process so they can implement any changes in the design that you may ask for. Shops with the latest technology are forward thinking and will learn and implement new processes to keep up with the rising technology needed.

References and Samples of Work
A great machine shop will have a project book with photos of some of their past work along with the customer’s names and phone number and won’t be afraid to share these things with you. If they don’t give you references or explain past processes, they may be hiding something about their performance from you. The project book should have their most difficult jobs that they completed in it to show how capable the machine shop is in their business.

Machine shops that are proficient in their work will have some sort of process to allow flexibility in the project while it is underway. They should report to you at certain steps of the process to make certain they are on track and be able to change things if it isn’t to your specifications. This helps to get the first prototype correct and sets in place the specifics for a full production run of your products. If they don’t have a schedule set up, you may want to look elsewhere for a precision machine shop that is more compliant.

Quality Control
All machine shops should have a quality control inspector, whether in-house or out of house to ensure that your project meets all of the specifications that it should. They should be willing to talk about their quality certifications such as ISO 9001 and AS9100 standards and share with you what types of equipment they use to ensure the standards are met.

Looking for these items will help you to find a quality precision machine shop that you can use for prototypes, parts and projects of any size to successfully fulfill your wishes and demands.

Machine Shop

History of Machine Shops

A machine shop is a specialized room, building, or big company where CNC machining and other types of machining are done. The activities that take place in such a shop involve experts/machinists using various machining tools and cutting tools to come up with different parts. People tend to think that a machine shop must be a massive building with complex equipment but this isn’t true.

A typical machine shop can either be a portion of a large factory or simply a small store such as a job shop. The various parts manufactured are usually sold to multiple lines in the US manufacturing industry, car industry, and even the aviation industry. The production of these critical parts typically involves cutting, shaping of the parts, drilling, and finishing.

History of Machine Shops

The history of machine shops can be traced back to the 19th century when the first mechanical engineering schools started to come up in the U.S. The first machine shop appeared around this time. It is also during this time that the industrial revolution was at its peak and there was a high demand for various parts. Before this era, critical parts and tools were mainly produced in local workshops in villages and cities. However, the production was limited to small-scale, and the parts were primarily sold to local CNC manufacturing artisans.

Production of parts in large factories took place on site where every part was produced individually. As time passed by, the plants started to come up with their workshops to deal with the production of the required parts. During those days, the textile was still the dominant raw material.

After the 19th Century

Further developments in mechanical engineering CNC machining took place in Germany, Scotland, and England after the 19th century which led to the development of cheaper and simple techniques for the massive production of steel. This development triggered the rise of second industrial revolution which played a significant role in the electrification of factories, mass production of parts, and also an uprise of more US manufacturing schools.

Machine shops gained popularity around this time as they were commonly referred to locations where complicated mechanical parts are cut to the required size and carefully put together to form complete mechanical units.

However, the rise of the machine shops came along with its fair share of both manufacturing and organizational problems. This triggered the emergence of various theories and publications trying to solve the problems.

One of the earliest publications in the field of mechanical engineering which gained a lot of popularity was a series of books titled; “Modern machines_ Shop economics” that was authored by Horace Lucian.

20th Century

The beginning of 20th century saw an increase in the number of publications relating to machine shops with various authors including Frederick Winslow Taylor and Howard Monroe More funds were directed towards research and invention which led to the invention of the electric motors in late 20th century.

The electric motors took over power supply of the common machine tools from the conventional mechanical belt. This era also ushered in CNC automation and numeric control in the field of manufacturing in the USA. The two aspects production design and primary production became integrated.

American-Made Products

Popular Products Manufactured in the U.S.

Have you ever bought something because it read the label, “Made in the U.S.A.“? We’ve all been there. We all like American-made products and we value what’s constructed in our own country. Although the number is increasing, not a lot of products are made in the U.S. In fact, about 50% of the products we use are made in China. However, America is trying to even the playing field. With our increased knowledge of mechanical engineering and the US manufacturing schools available, more and more products involve manufacturing in the USA.

Furthermore, a new technology has advanced over the years — CNC machining and manufacturing. CNC manufacturing is a manufacturing process where a pre-programmed computer controls tools and machines. This is done through CNC automation, where computers and machines do all the work for us. This has created a mechanical engineering breakthrough leading to more excitement surrounding the United States manufacturing industry. But since China still makes over half of the products we use, what’s manufactured in the United States? See below for a list of the most popular products made on U.S. soil:

-Primary Metal
-Transportation Equipment
-Weber Grills
-Tesla Roadsters
-Harley Davidson Motorcycles
-Whirlpool Appliances
-KitchenAid Mixers
-GE Hot Water Heaters
-Stihl Gas-Powered Equipment

From machinery to kitchen mixers, the United States still makes some of the more important products that we use in our everyday lives. And with CNC manufacturing leading the way in mechanical engineering, machines are working smarter and more effectively. In addition, education for the mechanical industry is getting better year after year. Mechanical engineering schools are popping up everywhere and more people are realizing the importance of these skills.

Increased Productivity and Lower Costs Lead to US Manufacturing

With more and more products being manufactured in the United States, there has to be a reason why our production efforts have increased. One of them is our productivity. American workers have been proven to be more productive in the workplace. They are paid higher than employees are in other countries and the work environments are more enjoyable. With child-labor issues happening in China and other countries, more people choose American-made products for that reason alone. Another cause for increased U.S. manufacturing is shipping costs. Every day, it is getting more expensive to export materials from one country to the next. In order to save on costs and produce high-quality, dependable products, many manufacturing companies are choosing the United States are their hub.

The U.S. Prefers American-Made Products

The average American will choose an American-made products over one that’s produced in another country. Although China leads the pack for most of the products we use, that number is starting to decrease. One reason for the change is CNC manufacturing. As our technology gets more advanced, CNC automation and machining is growing in popularity. From production benefits to saving on costs, CNC manufacturing is here to stay.

If you’re looking for a professional, modern manufacturing company you can depend on, Tag Team Manufacturing is the company for you. We’ve been in business since 1987 and we specialize in machining CNC precision components for OEM’s in a wide range of different industries. We work with engineers to design effective materials that work properly and that last for many years to come. If you would like to learn more about Tag Team Manufacturing, don’t hesitate to give us a call today!

American Manufacturing

How do US Manufacturers Compare to Overseas Manufacturers?

Labor and production costs stop many American manufacturers from producing products for American consumption. Outsourcing component production or even whole products to overseas manufacturers has saved a lot of money for American manufacturers. But has it? A few strong points show that American Manufacturing compares better to overseas manufacturers.

The Problem

The original reason CNC manufacturing, for example, was outsourced overseas was that wages were lower. So many people needing jobs meant that if someone quit, there were twenty more who could fill the job. Since the foreign workers work for pennies per hour or per day, U.S. manufacturing more or less dried up.

For instance, let’s say mechanical engineering expert Joe Brown has designed a better home automation thermostat. Imagine a Singapore factory has been upgraded for CNC machining to produce the components of the thermostat. Since Singapore workers only make pennies per hour or per day, do they have the necessary incentive to ship quality merchandise?

What Was The Result?

American manufacturers have, for the most part, wanted to save money from the beginning. Over the years, however, some hard truths have come back to bite American manufacturers. A pennies wage isn’t the only criteria by which American manufacturing versus overseas manufacturing is judged.

What Are The Factors?

American schools are the best, bar none. This means that people all over the world trust graduates of mechanical engineering schools and U. S. manufacturing schools. Just ask anyone who uses Apple products, drives a Chevy and orders anything from Amazon on an American-made computer.

There are other factors highlighting the negatives of overseas manufacturing, such as:

-Shipping and handling charges have risen

-When ships remain in foreign ports, for reasons only the foreign country understands

-When merchandise sits at American Customs for weeks awaiting clearance

-It takes weeks and months for a ship to get from the foreign country to America. Meanwhile, the
manufacturer has no product to sell

-Smaller production runs are possible overseas, but shipping costs would be prohibitive


The Plus Side

Manufacturing in the USA has its advantages. The light has been shed on these advantages, giving American manufacturers the option of re-shoring or bringing manufacturing back home. Some of those advantages are:

-America jealously guards her intellectual rights. Manufacturers won’t worry about their designs being

-Safety standards, labor standards, and a healthy work environment ensure workers have incentive to
produce a quality

-A big rig transporting Mr. Brown’s product in days hands down beats a ship taking weeks or months to

-Manufacturing disasters like the one in Bangladesh many years ago don’t happen in America. American
manufacturers won’t have to explain to the buying public why its factory collapsed and killed thousands
of people

-American manufacturers have the flexibility to meet new production runs for increased sales

The Realization

One of those hard truths concerns having no inventory while product is in transport. The need for close proximity sourcing has become evident to American manufacturers. As a result, some companies are bringing manufacturing jobs home. While they’re on their way, the manufacturers are using nearby sources to keep product coming.

American manufacturing has come to the realization that in outsourcing to overseas manufacturers versus domestic manufacturing, there’s no place like home.

Medical Device Manufacturers

4 Latest Innovations in Medical Device Manufacturing

Saving lives requires a high degree of precision. No field requires CNC machining more than the medical device manufacturers. The application of CNC precision ranges from necessary MRI scans to cardiac catheterization. Currently, there are numerous ongoing researches, and some results have been produced.

Medical device manufacturing is on the brink of unleashing breathtaking technologies if it hasn’t yet. Here are four states of the art medical devices that revolutionize the industry thanks to CNC precision:

3D Tissue Printing
A few years ago if one mentioned the possibility of developing 3D bio-printing of tissues, it was seen as pigs flying. The tech is here with us. The entire process relies on the liquefaction of donor cells or a patient to provide the required nutrients and oxygen. With high precision, the cells are put on a scaffold in small layers that are characteristic to that of the patient. Incubation follows until viable tissues are obtained.

3D printing opens room for surgeons to carry out tissue and organ repairs by relying on the patients’ mature cells or a perfect donor. Gone are days that they depended on foreign tissues.

Smart Scalpel and Probe

With medical device manufacturers, CNC precision equipment such as smart probes with smart scalpels gives hope to patients who have cancer. Due to their high precision and small size, they can be made tissue selective a crucial necessity in targeting cancerous cells especially in nerves or vascular tissues.

Once the smart probes are inserted into the body tissue, they can be directed and guided to the tumor location. At the tip of the probe are sensors capable of distinguishing between healthy tissues and cancerous ones. They have been tested and found to detect up to 7 signs of breast cancer.

The high-end technology sends tissue information in real time, giving surgeons and radiotherapists’ accurate data.

Electromagnetic Acoustic Imaging

It has been a journey for medical technicians looking for better and safer ultrasound devices that the commonly used CT scanners. Electromagnetic acoustic imaging is a top-notch technology that employs bio-electromagnetism and acoustics.

The combination produces quality MRI images and is safe. Moreover, physicians can comfortably differentiate malignant tissues from healthy ones.

The science behind the high sensitivity is that different tissues react differently to stimuli. Physicians use light, electromagnetic and ultrasound energy to stimulate tissues. Healthy tissue will not respond the same way to the infected one. The differences can then be projected on an ultrasound detector for interpretation.

Cancer tissues have high conductivity as compared to normal tissues. Electromagnetic radiation penetrates deeply into the body tissues making it ideal for acoustic imaging. Due to its high penetration, it can detect tumors located deep inside body organs or bones.

EMAI has the following benefits:

-Portable equipment
-Less expensive

Apart from being the 5th killer, stroke causes disability in the long term. Living with the condition is heartbreaking and costly to both the infected and the affected. It is caused by the blockage of blood vessels delivering oxygen and blood to the brain. Consequently, the brain cells die.

Nanobots are now being used in the treatment of stroke by unblocking blood clots. The removal of clots also creates passageways for drug delivery with the aim of reversing stroke effects.

Tag Team Manufacturing is a leading manufacturer located in Colorado specializing in CNC precision for various industries including medical device manufacturers. Contact them for all your CNC Machining solutions.

US Manufacturing

7 Reasons Why US Manufacturing is Important

Considering the current scolding regarding the importance of the US manufacturing industry, there have been critics who have tried to discredit the benefits associated with manufacturing in the current transformational age. However, their arguments are not right considering these seven benefits associated with US manufacturing.

Manufacturing enables Creation of Strong Middle-class Jobs.

Regardless of the claims from critics that manufacturing jobs are unpleasant, they, in fact, have not been to a modern machine shop as these offer a good work environment and a dependable source of income for many American families. Furthermore, most of them come with irresistible perks such as good health insurance, 401k plans and short term disability for its employees. Also, despite the fact that all jobs are good depending on personal preferences, some higher positions even pay up to $80,000-$100,000+ per year!

Manufacturing Creates Jobs

With a relatively high unemployment rate particularly among the youth, expansion of the US manufacturing industry has gone a long way in providing the much-needed jobs. Now, trade schools offer a 2-4 year education in Precision Machining. This is a good starting point if you are interested in manufacturing and machining. Unlike other positions that require high qualifications, entry level manufacturing jobs do not require such specialized skills and can absorb anyone willing to learn (although some schooling is a plus and will help the employee move up in the company). With schooling and on the job training, anyone with a passion in manufacturing can fit into the industry.

Manufacturing creates National Wealth

Buying and consuming imported goods will only make the country poorer since there will be no foreign income. However, by manufacturing products which can be sold locally and internationally, the nation’s economy becomes stronger since there will be foreign cash.

Factories/ Machine Shops are now Safer than before

The current American factories are very safe now and those interested in the industry should not be worried to work in this type of setting. Rarely are their incidences of safety breach or accidents with proper training and shop safety. Also, with the recent embracement of the worker safety policy countrywide, the possible safety incidences are continually being suppressed.

U.S. Industries are very clean

Compared to other countries where waste products are directed in rivers and other water bodies, American factories a very clean and are even getting cleaner. The waste produced in US manufacturing industries is treated and recycled to ensure that it does not harm the environment. As such, the world will be a healthier place if people bought more goods from the U.S. compared to other countries.

Workers with good jobs are healthy

Jobs in the US manufacturing industry are in most cases physically taxing. Whereas this may be seen as a negative, it is, in fact, good for the employee’s health as working in manufacturing also doubles up as exercise. Machinists are on their feet all day, constantly moving around. As a result, earning money and remaining healthy go hand in hand.

Manufacturing research leads to creative ideas

The US manufacturing industry contributes to approximately 75% of the private sector development and research. The mind-blowing innovations from the U.S. manufacturers keep the country competitive in the global platform hence making it an economic powerhouse.

In a nutshell, if taken alone, the manufacturing industry is the ninth largest economy in the world. As such, critics need to reevaluate their stand about the U.S. manufacturing industry.

Manufacturing Facility

5 Tips for Staying Safe and Healthy in the Manufacturing Facility

Ranging from poorly maintained tools to fatigued workers, manufacturing setting is riddled with hazards, both out in the open and some hidden. If you do not know a place to start checking out, then such risks may lead to injuries and sometimes death. Below are five tips to help you stay safe and healthy in a manufacturing facility.

1. Ensure Proper Use and Maintenance of Machinery and Equipment

The first step to ensure everyone is safe in a manufacturing setting is to ensure machinery and equipment are properly maintained. Failure to constantly ensure the equipment works properly can pose risks to every employee in the facility.

It is important to know that even tools with fail-safes are prone to malfunction if you do not do regular check-ups. To ensure proper functioning, ensure that the equipment undergoes regular inspection. Your employees should know how to check whether the equipment works optimally. Contacting a professional to inspect your equipment can help.

Proper use of manufacturing equipment will ensure that the machinery works well without posing any danger to those around the manufacturing facility. You should, therefore, ensure that only those qualified to handle a certain equipment are the only employees who work on it and handle it with professionalism.

2. Permanent Hazards Need Special Consideration

Numerous equipment in a manufacturing facility poses a risk to anyone regardless of whether they are functioning as required. Chemicals, for instance, will remain dangerous to anyone even when regular inspections are done. However, you can minimize these risks by labeling, and give every employee the right protective gear when handling these chemicals.

It is important to also clean spills. This will ensure that there are no health risks that are exposed to employees. Carefully cleaning up spills will ensure there is no gas emitted into the atmosphere. Some gases may pose a health risk as well as act as a respiratory irritant.

Wearing safety equipment while in a manufacturing facility is crucial. This will prevent any visitor, employers, managers, subcontractors, and contractors from hazards. For instance, wearing an eye protection such as goggles will help you prevent metal or chemical splash into your eyes.

3. Employees Should Undergo Regular Training

It is said that your firm is as safe as those people who work in it. Every employee should undergo training regularly on every contact they will be handling. You should make sure that they can spot warning signs such as burning wire smells, scraping or grinding noises, abnormal wobbles, or anything that may sound abnormal. If you find out any machine that is unsafe, then shut it down.

4. Sufficient First Aid

In case of an emergency, you need to have easy access to a first aid kit. Your manufacturing facility should be stocked with medical equipment including first aid kits for general purposes as well as those customized to meet the specific needs of your working environment.

You need to ensure every employee undergoes training to have at least some level of knowledge on how to use a first aid kit. In some cases, you will need to have your staff members specially trained to offer CPR, first aid as well as conduct a confined-space rescue.

5. Wear Proper Clothing

Having a protective gear in a manufacturing facility may not be the only preventive measure available. In fact, you should always wear proper clothing, not loose clothing that may be caught in or on the machines. Wearing a closed shoe is also an important part of ensuring you remain safe while in a manufacturing plant.

If every employee follows these tips, then your manufacturing facility will be a safe place for both your employees and those visiting.

us manufacturing trends

5 Trends in US Manufacturing

The trends of US manufacturing are often discussed, but not always understood by the general public. With the changes in technology as well as executive attitudes, it can be difficult to keep up with it all. It’s time to learn more about what’s being taught today in mechanical engineering schools, and how the industry has responded to each new change in the market.

More Automation

The time-consuming and error-prone processes of the past are becoming automated. They allow companies to produce more without increasing their budget, and they give workers a chance to hone their skills rather than waste time on rote tasks. Every country has seen some rate of automation when it comes to their manufacturing, but it’s the US that has really embraced the technology. The effects are felt not just on the production floor, but also in administrative functions as well.

A Rise in Precision

Manufacturing today is all about precision. Considering even one mistake in a process can lead to disastrous results, companies are more focused than ever on ensuring everything is done correctly the first time. For example, CNC automation can use past commands and actions to ensure future accuracy and success. CNC machinery can work with practically any material to cut shapes and create the perfect dimensions for the right end result. US manufacturing schools are so obsessed with precision, they’ve taken to using just one digital representation of the product they’re designing. From the materials needed to the compliance regulations to the dimensions of the product, companies are looking to decrease error by narrowing down the scope of the product to a single image.

Sharper Focus

Manufacturing companies are always trying to get more out of the resources they have, but many are also reevaluating their resources so they concentrate on what they do best. Whether a company specializes in CNC manufacturing, mechanical engineering, or factory work, they’re looking to trim away any excesses so their focus in as singular as possible. This may mean anything from leasing their office to increasing their global presence. They may even choose to outsource work that’s not strictly related to manufacturing, such as HR, payroll, and benefits.

Global Options

The globalization of manufacturing has become an undeniable trend in US manufacturing, as companies form networks of support from all around the world. Now companies can easily find clients, communicate with them, and then transfer their products around the world. The more people connect from around the world, the more opportunities can be discovered about how to increase efficiency without sacrificing the quality of the goods. Manufacturing in the USA has certainly not been the only sector to profit from these changes, but it’s one sector that has really taken advantage of the opportunities.

Increased Support

The machinery used in the manufacturing industry has never been better than it is today, but that doesn’t mean that it’s infallible or everlasting. As automation continues, manufacturers will need to find the right tools and the right support team that can help them through all their questions and concerns. Ideally, manufacturers should be looking at forging a relationship with a company who understands a variety of industries as well as the full scope of current and future trends. This type of mutually beneficial relationship tends to bring out the best in manufacturers today.

CNC precision

What Is CNC Precision? When And Why OEM’s Need CNC Manufacturing and CNC Machining?

Original Equipment Manufacturing companies that strive for maximum production while operating complex industrial processes require CNC precision. CNC machining employs the use of computers to run, regulate and manage tools. Tag Team Manufacturing is a cutting-edge player in the precision industry. We provide state of the art solutions that revolutionize and set trends the manufacturing industry.

What is CNC Precision?
Computer Numerical Control precision is a technique of creating complex parts, components, and products with a very high level of accuracy. The journey of using computers in manufacturing started way back with the utilization of computer-aided design and computer aided machining methods. The advancement was not a walk in the park but embraced as an industry player in the late 80s. A program is loaded into the machines which have been calibrated professionally to produce intended products.

Who Uses CNC Machines?
Previously, CNC Machining was believed to be meant for large industries. Currently, the machines have shown exemplary performance in various lines of work including small sectors. It is indisputable that irrespective of the component you need, the right CNC machine produces required results. Some of the industries that have embraced them include wood industry, metal removal, and fabrication, electrical among many others.

When You Need CNC Manufacturing?
Various signs should tell OEM’s need CNC Manufacturing technology. If you are an OEM and you are wondering here are five questions you need to ask and answer.

Do you need Consistency?
Once you are in business, consistency in production with high degree precision could be what you need to remain relevant in the competitive market. With CNC automation, you can sit relaxed that technology will keep you consistently producing quality products 24/7. As a bonus, the time lost taking breaks, repairs and maintenance will be a thing of the past.

What is the cheapest way to Increase Production Rate?
Previously, for a manufacturing company to increase production was to employ more people. This can turn out to be not only expensive but also has the risk of human errors. A CNC Machine follows a specific program to produce the same product a million times.

Are you Efficient Enough?
Efficiency plays a significant role in reducing the cost of production in any industry. If you are efficient, you use little resources which can be raw materials and minimize wastage. There is no better way of being productive and maintaining intricacy better than CNC machines.

How safe are your Personnel?
Working in the manufacturing industry can be lucrative and at the same time risky. Sometimes one handles materials that are considered dangerous regarding toxicity, heat, and corrosion. With CNC devices this fear is taken away.

Do you want to simplify production?

Majority of manufacturers rely on complex production processes which can be expensive as it requires skilled operators. Instead of relying on 10 personnel, why not let one person manage 9 CNC Machines?

Do you like Interruptions?
Interruptions in manufacturing processes can be as a result of many avoidable things such as working hours. You can replace it with robots and say goodbye to unnecessary stoppage in your business.

All things mentioned above, the best CNC Precision comes from trusted, reliable, proven and experienced players in the market. Tag Team Manufacturing remains true long term caring partner.

air compressor

Who makes the best mid-size compressor?

Picking a decent air compressor depends on the project you’re working on, and if the unit should be convenient. On the off chance that a compressor unit can deal with the scheduled task, you’ll be inclined to work with that specific model instead of a massive, and difficult to deal with the model.

Most of the compressors on our list of preferred models are sufficiently small-sized and easily stored under a workbench, yet efficient for some tasks. Below are some of the best US manufacturing companies that have produced reliable compressors over the years.

Dewalt Heavy Duty PSI

The popular Dewalt brand has continuously manufactured in the US reasonably priced air compressors. The heavy-duty PSI is an oil-free model with a 12amps motor and has a flexible startup to reduce overworking the breaker. The 36-pound air compressor is portable and quite slim at only 12.5inches; therefore, it fits in any tight compartment.

The standard manufacturing design in the US brand compressor comes in black and yellow colors. It is slightly underpowered and cannot run consistently with the reduced power. Users may only use it for smaller jobs to avoid damage and more complications other than aging. It’s suitable for short to mid-sized jobs.

Porter Cable PC Pancake Compressor

The Porter air compressor is one of the least expensive air compressors on the list, and the lightest, weighing at only 26 pounds. Due to its compact size, it’s easy to use and store. With just 135 PSI, the Portable Cable PC compressor requires low maintenance since it runs on a 12v motor and puts out an impressive power. It is an oil-free pump with a longer life and minimum problems, even in cold weather.

However, this air compressor produces the loudest noise on the list, with an output of 82Dba. It is a reliable compressor for anyone in search of a stable US manufactured equipment made by top engineers from some of the best mechanical engineering schools. It offers long lasting service, if well taken care of.

Senco Horsepower Peak

Senco CNC manufacturing produces low priced portable compressors. This 20-pound Senco compressor handles small jobs and, it’s incredibly silent at 73 dBA and one complete horsepower. It runs ½ power at its peak to complete a task. The accessories include a ¼ quick disconnect coupler, individual tank gauges, and synchronized output pressure.

The manufacturers offer a one-year warranty of assurance. Long-term use degrades the covering around the handle, but it doesn’t deteriorate its overall usefulness. The manufacturing skill on this unit is flawless and performs best if handled correctly.

Makita Big Bore Compressor

This is a powerful, relatively low priced air compressor. It has an iron pump with big pistons and cylinder, a combination that provides peak performance when in motion over extended periods. The large Makita compressor with a 1,720-RPM pump is quiet and performs well even at lower RPM.

It comes with a one-year warranty, and, manufactured with a solid cooler running pump that lasts for several years. The 2.6-gallon tank weighed 52 pounds and labeled at 130 PSI with a ¼-inch universal quick coupler, which is easy to use. It’s listed as compact, but the manufacturing specs make it mid-range at 52 pounds. You need about 20 seconds to refill, so it’s still powerful considering the size that it comes in, though it cannot handle specific tasks and it lasts a very long time.