Monthly Archives : February 2018

cad cam

Recent Improvements of CAD CAM Software in Manufacturing

The capabilities of CAD CAM software has greatly improved over the recent years, thanks to faster multicore and embedded processors backed by cloud-based innovations. Manufacturing firms are hard-pressed to keep up with the competitive advances in CNC machining, with each day introducing a new tool path creation, new software for simulation, multi-task machining, and CNC automation tools.

In terms of quality assurance, CAD CAM is fast moving into the footprint of surface finish measurements and part inspection. Parts design has also seen an integration of FEA capabilities for testing and predicting how different materials machined on prototypes will actually perform. Here are some of the recent improvements of CAD/CAM software in manufacturing:

Five-axis Machining

Five-axis machining has seen new capabilities with the introduction of new CAD CAM software solutions. They come with a broad range of 5-axis strategies that enhance roughing and finishing, improved point distribution, faster calculation periods, and simpler data management capabilities. The new roughing strategy now incorporates CNC machining (through a curve or line orientation) and programming based on a reference surface. The developers have put in massive smoothing algorithms to enhance more even point distribution as well as subtle vectors moving. Manufacturers can also avoid costly and time-consuming reworks on parts by utilizing the higher quality surface finishes.

Advanced Milling and Mill-turn Machines

Many US manufacturing firms have introduced a new functionality to enhance simultaneous 4 and 5-axis milling using the latest mill-turn machines. The technology has improved drilling methodologies to automatically find and machine holes on conical and cylindrical faces.

The advanced mill/turn machines have brought enormous improvements in productivity for many manufacturing firms in the USA. New software allows businesses to optimize their investment by availing the full range of 4 and 5-axis cycles in the CNC manufacturing process. Currently, more mold and die users are beginning to utilize 5-axis machining as the costs of such machines continuously drop.

Multi-axis CNC Software

The new multi-axis functionality and tool paths for hard milling and HSM have greatly improved CNC machining. The updated machining software brings a new dimension to the improved multi-axis tool hence providing customized and streamlined interface that can be fine-tuned to different applications like turbine blades and impellers. The same technology has now been introduced in many US manufacturing schools and mechanical engineering institutions to further advance the skill.

Advanced 3-D simulation Capabilities

US manufacturing companies have demonstrated various full-machine simulation modules that aim to provide photorealistic 3D models of cnc machine tools in operation. Based on 3-D solid models, the simulations can help manufacturers pinpoint potential collisions and errors in complex turn-mills with multitasking capabilities or Swiss-type turn-mills.

The new simulation modules offer improved collision detection and error-checking functionalities hence allowing manufacturers to perform more robust simulations than what is currently offered by CAM suppliers. Now, the simulated machine models can incorporate machine specific tool holders to ensure early detection of collisions on the user’s PC.


With global competitive pressures facing the manufacturing industry, mechanical engineering institutions, US manufacturing firms, and mechanical engineering schools are working overtime to produce the highest-quality finished parts by forming partnerships with machine tool programmers to develop workpieces that need little to no rework. Five-axis machining, advanced 3-D simulation, and cnc automation are some of the technology advances opening up new capabilities in manufacturing in USA.

American Manufacturing

How do US Manufacturers Compare to Overseas Manufacturers?

Labor and production costs stop many American manufacturers from producing products for American consumption. Outsourcing component production or even whole products to overseas manufacturers has saved a lot of money for American manufacturers. But has it? A few strong points show that American Manufacturing compares better to overseas manufacturers.

The Problem

The original reason CNC manufacturing, for example, was outsourced overseas was that wages were lower. So many people needing jobs meant that if someone quit, there were twenty more who could fill the job. Since the foreign workers work for pennies per hour or per day, U.S. manufacturing more or less dried up.

For instance, let’s say mechanical engineering expert Joe Brown has designed a better home automation thermostat. Imagine a Singapore factory has been upgraded for CNC machining to produce the components of the thermostat. Since Singapore workers only make pennies per hour or per day, do they have the necessary incentive to ship quality merchandise?

What Was The Result?

American manufacturers have, for the most part, wanted to save money from the beginning. Over the years, however, some hard truths have come back to bite American manufacturers. A pennies wage isn’t the only criteria by which American manufacturing versus overseas manufacturing is judged.

What Are The Factors?

American schools are the best, bar none. This means that people all over the world trust graduates of mechanical engineering schools and U. S. manufacturing schools. Just ask anyone who uses Apple products, drives a Chevy and orders anything from Amazon on an American-made computer.

There are other factors highlighting the negatives of overseas manufacturing, such as:

-Shipping and handling charges have risen

-When ships remain in foreign ports, for reasons only the foreign country understands

-When merchandise sits at American Customs for weeks awaiting clearance

-It takes weeks and months for a ship to get from the foreign country to America. Meanwhile, the
manufacturer has no product to sell

-Smaller production runs are possible overseas, but shipping costs would be prohibitive


The Plus Side

Manufacturing in the USA has its advantages. The light has been shed on these advantages, giving American manufacturers the option of re-shoring or bringing manufacturing back home. Some of those advantages are:

-America jealously guards her intellectual rights. Manufacturers won’t worry about their designs being

-Safety standards, labor standards, and a healthy work environment ensure workers have incentive to
produce a quality

-A big rig transporting Mr. Brown’s product in days hands down beats a ship taking weeks or months to

-Manufacturing disasters like the one in Bangladesh many years ago don’t happen in America. American
manufacturers won’t have to explain to the buying public why its factory collapsed and killed thousands
of people

-American manufacturers have the flexibility to meet new production runs for increased sales

The Realization

One of those hard truths concerns having no inventory while product is in transport. The need for close proximity sourcing has become evident to American manufacturers. As a result, some companies are bringing manufacturing jobs home. While they’re on their way, the manufacturers are using nearby sources to keep product coming.

American manufacturing has come to the realization that in outsourcing to overseas manufacturers versus domestic manufacturing, there’s no place like home.

Medical Device Manufacturers

4 Latest Innovations in Medical Device Manufacturing

Saving lives requires a high degree of precision. No field requires CNC machining more than the medical device manufacturers. The application of CNC precision ranges from necessary MRI scans to cardiac catheterization. Currently, there are numerous ongoing researches, and some results have been produced.

Medical device manufacturing is on the brink of unleashing breathtaking technologies if it hasn’t yet. Here are four states of the art medical devices that revolutionize the industry thanks to CNC precision:

3D Tissue Printing
A few years ago if one mentioned the possibility of developing 3D bio-printing of tissues, it was seen as pigs flying. The tech is here with us. The entire process relies on the liquefaction of donor cells or a patient to provide the required nutrients and oxygen. With high precision, the cells are put on a scaffold in small layers that are characteristic to that of the patient. Incubation follows until viable tissues are obtained.

3D printing opens room for surgeons to carry out tissue and organ repairs by relying on the patients’ mature cells or a perfect donor. Gone are days that they depended on foreign tissues.

Smart Scalpel and Probe

With medical device manufacturers, CNC precision equipment such as smart probes with smart scalpels gives hope to patients who have cancer. Due to their high precision and small size, they can be made tissue selective a crucial necessity in targeting cancerous cells especially in nerves or vascular tissues.

Once the smart probes are inserted into the body tissue, they can be directed and guided to the tumor location. At the tip of the probe are sensors capable of distinguishing between healthy tissues and cancerous ones. They have been tested and found to detect up to 7 signs of breast cancer.

The high-end technology sends tissue information in real time, giving surgeons and radiotherapists’ accurate data.

Electromagnetic Acoustic Imaging

It has been a journey for medical technicians looking for better and safer ultrasound devices that the commonly used CT scanners. Electromagnetic acoustic imaging is a top-notch technology that employs bio-electromagnetism and acoustics.

The combination produces quality MRI images and is safe. Moreover, physicians can comfortably differentiate malignant tissues from healthy ones.

The science behind the high sensitivity is that different tissues react differently to stimuli. Physicians use light, electromagnetic and ultrasound energy to stimulate tissues. Healthy tissue will not respond the same way to the infected one. The differences can then be projected on an ultrasound detector for interpretation.

Cancer tissues have high conductivity as compared to normal tissues. Electromagnetic radiation penetrates deeply into the body tissues making it ideal for acoustic imaging. Due to its high penetration, it can detect tumors located deep inside body organs or bones.

EMAI has the following benefits:

-Portable equipment
-Less expensive

Apart from being the 5th killer, stroke causes disability in the long term. Living with the condition is heartbreaking and costly to both the infected and the affected. It is caused by the blockage of blood vessels delivering oxygen and blood to the brain. Consequently, the brain cells die.

Nanobots are now being used in the treatment of stroke by unblocking blood clots. The removal of clots also creates passageways for drug delivery with the aim of reversing stroke effects.

Tag Team Manufacturing is a leading manufacturer located in Colorado specializing in CNC precision for various industries including medical device manufacturers. Contact them for all your CNC Machining solutions.

US Manufacturing

7 Reasons Why US Manufacturing is Important

Considering the current scolding regarding the importance of the US manufacturing industry, there have been critics who have tried to discredit the benefits associated with manufacturing in the current transformational age. However, their arguments are not right considering these seven benefits associated with US manufacturing.

Manufacturing enables Creation of Strong Middle-class Jobs.

Regardless of the claims from critics that manufacturing jobs are unpleasant, they, in fact, have not been to a modern machine shop as these offer a good work environment and a dependable source of income for many American families. Furthermore, most of them come with irresistible perks such as good health insurance, 401k plans and short term disability for its employees. Also, despite the fact that all jobs are good depending on personal preferences, some higher positions even pay up to $80,000-$100,000+ per year!

Manufacturing Creates Jobs

With a relatively high unemployment rate particularly among the youth, expansion of the US manufacturing industry has gone a long way in providing the much-needed jobs. Now, trade schools offer a 2-4 year education in Precision Machining. This is a good starting point if you are interested in manufacturing and machining. Unlike other positions that require high qualifications, entry level manufacturing jobs do not require such specialized skills and can absorb anyone willing to learn (although some schooling is a plus and will help the employee move up in the company). With schooling and on the job training, anyone with a passion in manufacturing can fit into the industry.

Manufacturing creates National Wealth

Buying and consuming imported goods will only make the country poorer since there will be no foreign income. However, by manufacturing products which can be sold locally and internationally, the nation’s economy becomes stronger since there will be foreign cash.

Factories/ Machine Shops are now Safer than before

The current American factories are very safe now and those interested in the industry should not be worried to work in this type of setting. Rarely are their incidences of safety breach or accidents with proper training and shop safety. Also, with the recent embracement of the worker safety policy countrywide, the possible safety incidences are continually being suppressed.

U.S. Industries are very clean

Compared to other countries where waste products are directed in rivers and other water bodies, American factories a very clean and are even getting cleaner. The waste produced in US manufacturing industries is treated and recycled to ensure that it does not harm the environment. As such, the world will be a healthier place if people bought more goods from the U.S. compared to other countries.

Workers with good jobs are healthy

Jobs in the US manufacturing industry are in most cases physically taxing. Whereas this may be seen as a negative, it is, in fact, good for the employee’s health as working in manufacturing also doubles up as exercise. Machinists are on their feet all day, constantly moving around. As a result, earning money and remaining healthy go hand in hand.

Manufacturing research leads to creative ideas

The US manufacturing industry contributes to approximately 75% of the private sector development and research. The mind-blowing innovations from the U.S. manufacturers keep the country competitive in the global platform hence making it an economic powerhouse.

In a nutshell, if taken alone, the manufacturing industry is the ninth largest economy in the world. As such, critics need to reevaluate their stand about the U.S. manufacturing industry.