Monthly Archives : May 2017

raw material

What factors impact the cost of raw material pricing?

Raw material, whether wood, minerals, crude oil or even meat, all often have varying price points rising and dropping like the stock exchange. There are many variables at play causing this to happen. Each variable affects the price point of raw materials, causing it to increase or decrease for manufacturers, distributors and consumers. Here are several contributing factors to the shifting price of such materials.

Sourcing the Material

One of the most expensive aspects of obtaining and distributing raw materials is sourcing it. If a mine runs low on the source material, if a harsh winter kills crops or if a forest fire takes down acres of lumber, readily available material is reduced, which in turn causes the price of raw material to go up. The demand remains, but as the supply is reduced, prices increase.


The transportation of goods is another major expense to moving raw materials to different regions both within a country and around the world. This is especially true when importing or exporting the goods. As new levies and taxes are placed on goods brought in from other countries, the price for the raw material goes up. Additionally, if transporting lumber by truck or train, an increase in the cost of fuel will increase the cost to transport the goods, which causes the cost of raw material to shift.


Between transportation, sourcing the material, carrying for the material before it is ready to harvest or any other labor position along the way, if there is a shift in the work force there can be a shift in raw material pricing. If a union goes on strike, it affects raw material pricing as less of it can be transported or sourced from the earth. Other times, if the labor union reaches a deal and this includes an increase in pay, benefits or other aspects of their work, it in turn increases the price of raw material. Just about any shift in labor will have an impact on the cost of raw material.

Acts of God

Most other aspects involved in the shifting cost of raw material can, to some extent, be forecast. Acts of God typically cannot. This is a sudden and often devastating event that affects not just part of raw material sourcing and distribution, but an entire region, city or nation. The exact definition for an act of God may shift, depending on insurance purposes. But, typically, tornadoes, flooding, hurricanes, earthquakes, violent winds, volcanic eruption, tidal wave or near any other natural phenomenon that happens with little warning can shut down production and transportation instantly and for an extended period of time.

Forecasting the shift of raw material pricing is not an exact science. Like identifying a potential chance in a stock’s value, different variables are always at play. By understanding what factors impact the cost of raw material pricing, a manufacturer or user of the material can determine the best point of time in which to buy added material or when to hold off before buying additional supplies.


What are the Skills and Qualities Required to be Successful Machinists?

People tend to misunderstand what a CNC Machinist is and the skills they possess. Given that it takes at least seven (or more) years of technical tool and advanced manufacturing to become a certified machinist, summing up the qualities and skills required for the occupation can be difficult to explain in a simple sentence. So to give context brief to the occupation, a machinist is a person who performs techniques and operations without assistance in all facets of advanced machining techniques and operations. Much of their knowledge is gained through apprenticeship, which requires 576 hours of educational training and 8,000 hours of work learning all aspects of manual machining.

A Machinist’s Skill & Quality Set

Many individuals view machinists as people who operate by hardware and produce/cut materials into what is intended. However, this isn’t always the case as many industries utilizing Computer Numerically Controlled (CNC) machines. Some of the skill sets required for effective machinists are:

  • They must have the tolerance to gather and produce engineering parts that have been created from a wide range of materials. In addition to this, they should be able to work within size distinctions that are oftentimes only a hundredth of a single millimeter.
  • They must be proficient when handling the latest and current tools at their disposal, whether it be machine tools or measuring and hand paraphernalia. Machinists must also have experience and knowledge about laser cutting, screw machining, stamping, machine maintenance, machine building, machining, metalforming, and other techinical skills required for production.

When it comes to CNC machines, they are milling machines that are automated digitally. The main reason for CNC machine popularity is due to the fact that they reduce manpower, reduce time , and increase the quality of the product being produced. However, these machines do require machinist oversight in the event of failure. For example:

  • A CNC Machinist should be able to identify and interpret the 2D engineering blueprints/illustrations of the engineering machines or components. In addition to this, the CNC machinist must economically complete and plan the manufacturing of all components when utilizing the available equipment and time.

Aside from the technical aspects of the machine, the machinist must also know how to formulate procedures, set priorities, set schedules, and create a 3D image of the product mentally before it is created. This is a common quality found in expert machinists. Other important qualities include:

  • Paying careful attention to errors found in current manufactured equipment or components. If faults or errors are found, the machinist must correct them so the equipment or components can be used properly.
  • Maintaining a high level of craftsmanship. This is the most important quality a CNC Machinist can possess. They should have no problem finding safe, effective, and economical ways to improve productivity within a company or production.

Contact today by visiting the contact page or calling 303.841.5697.


Comparing the Benefits of HMCs to VMCs

While vertical machining centers or vertical mills (VMCs) may be more common than horizontal machining centers (HMCs), that doesn’t inherently mean they’re the right choice for every application, industry or project. Find out more about how each one works if you’re trying to decide on the right one for you.

The Benefits of Vertical Mills 

One of the biggest perks of using a vertical mill is that you get to see more of what you’re doing. A horizontal mill will have a tombstone that blocks the view, so an operator will immediately feel like they have less control of the work. Vertical mills are also less expensive than HMCs, so they’re more attractive to the budget-conscious buyer. VMCs tend to be less complicated than HMCs , so the training period is not as rigorous and more people know how to use them. Programming a VMC is not nearly as difficult as an HNC, so people don’t shy away from learning more about how they function. Vertical mills also offer more flexibility than HNCs, so they’re better if you have unorthodox pieces or one-off needs. They require less floor space than an HNC too, and work better with large plates.

The Benefits of Horizontal Machining Centers 

Just by the above list alone, you would be forgiven for thinking VMCs are really the only smart choice available on the market. But the reality is not that simple. If you remember nothing else, remember that one HMC can be as productive as 3 VMCs: spindle utilization is 85% compared to 25% of a VMC. The method a horizontal machining center uses for chip evacuation is superior to a vertical mill, which means less re-cutting and longer tool life. You may find that the surface finish is perfect when it comes off the machine, so there’s less effort in the last stages of the process. The machines are sturdy and built to withstand the vibrations which translates to a quieter work environment and, ultimately, a longer life for the equipment. Many owners swear they can charge less for their goods and still make their profit goals. Depending on the types of projects a company will be taking on, it might be cheaper to buy one HMC and use the machine exclusively for production. Software is available that can help you program and run your horizontal machining center to its full capacity, and you can save even more energy by doing as much work as you possibly can offline.

How to Decide 

You’ll also need a great deal of capital if you’re planning to purchase an HNC. Not only will the machine be more expensive, but so will the accoutrements you’ll need to sustain the work. You’ll need less operators to work on an HNC, but they’ll need to know what they’re doing. The amount of expertise it takes to work these machines is substantial. If you don’t have the money to pay for the tools and the workers, then you’ll need to use a VMC.

Contact Tag Team Manufacturing today for a project quote. 303-841-5697.

robotic automation

The Top Industries that are Hot Right Now

With time, the demand for certain goods and services has been changing. This mainly depends on the level of technology and the fashion taste of the population. Back in the 1940s, being a doctor would have been the hottest thing one would be. Back then people were still discovering cures for different diseases like tuberculosis.

In today’s world however, the traditional professions like teaching and being a physician are not entirely marketable or on high demand on their own. With technological advancement, a good doctor is the one who uses technology to his advantage. Thus the most sought after businesses to start or work in are the manufacturing and automation industries.

They include;

Manufacturing of Drones

The use of drones has rapidly increased with countries from all over the world granting private individuals and companies the right to use the drones privately. Amazon is one of the biggest firms that is looking to take its business operations to another level using drones. The demand for drones is only going to increase.

It is easy to start a company manufacturing drones since the human skill needed is not very complicated. Employees with good IT and programming skills will be useful. The market for the drones is also wide and vast including their use in the military, commercial industries, recreational purposes, and most recently for transport in Dubai.

Robotic Automation in Manufacturing 

China emerged one of the best in manufacturing robots. The artificially intelligent machines are used by most industries to lower the cost of operations and hiring human labor. They also increase the efficiency of a factory and increases productivity. A Chinese company in Dongguan emerged the world’s first fully automated factory.

Better use of robotic automation has also been realized and using robots to supplement human labor is now the in-thing. Commonly known as “cobotics”, this industry is taking robot manufacturing to an all new level. People will now accept and appreciate even more the need for robots in a firm.

Biometric Scanning Software Production

With increased security threats and high fraud rates in the world, security measures have been updated greatly. To access a given institution, one needs an authentic form of verification and identification. Most government departments are already using fingerprints, eye, and facial recognition software to identify people and grant or deny access to certain areas.

The technology is now being adopted by most private sectors including the hospital for patient data records. To come up with this software, a team of well skilled and experienced programmers will be needed.

Artificial Intelligence Sector 

This is a wide sector that designs and Implements systems that are self-reliable. With no or minimum human supervision, the machines operate effectively. An example of such is the autonomous cars that Google, Uber and other companies are looking to fully use on the roads in the near future. With the increased campaign in favor of the artificially intelligent devices, the future is very bright for the sector.

These are just but a few of the top industries taking over the market right now. As technological advancements continue to penetrate almost all industries, more top industries can be expected to emerge.

manufacturing technology

New Manufacturing Technology Means Greater Value for Customers

The Factory of the Future, as it has come to be called, is all about lean manufacturing. One of the most important components of lean manufacturing is incorporating the latest and best manufacturing technology, including machining tools and robotic manufacturing.

At the moment, probably in part because they’re leery of another economic downturn, U.S. manufacturers have been slow to embrace many of the improvements now available. This is a mistake because these advances—and many more that are just down the road—make for faster, more durable, more precise and far more productive tools. At Tag Team Manufacturing, we believe these factors together translate into greater customer satisfaction.

Taking Advantage of Today’s New Tools

Incorporating faster, longer-lasting tools doesn’t have to be prohibitively expensive. So the cost of doing business doesn’t have to go up. In fact, the new technology can increase both productivity and quality, giving customers more for their money.

How does this work? The new technology can be implemented easily and inexpensively. Programming manufacturing machinery is simplified, resulting in:

• Reduced production times and greater production accuracy

• Reduced cross-training of operators and programmers

• Greater flexibility in operations, so one piece of equipment can perform a variety of functions

All these advantages reduce our costs and, consequently, costs to our customers without in any way compromising quality. This combination of lower cost and higher quality results in greater value.

The technological advances affect just about every aspect of the manufacturing process. They improve every step, from product design through production and even packaging. Each component of the process, including human and machine, is able to communicate more quickly and more accurately, creating an integration that greatly increases coordination and efficiency.

We at Tag Team Manufacturing look every day for ways to improve our lean manufacturing processes and so move closer to the Factory of the Future. We can see ahead to innovations that are on the horizon. What does the future look like?

The Tools of Tomorrow

What’s ahead in manufacturing technology tools looks great for both manufacturers like us and our customers. Our challenge is to meet the demand for value from our customers. This challenge will be met with:

• Machining that delivers ever more precisely and efficiently made products
• Software capable of increasingly sophisticated operations
• Shorter production time

So we’re looking at software and hardware on the road to greater and greater value. The progression includes further development of things like:

Source ( characters / words)

NTN Technical Review No. 74 (2006)

There were no Copyscape matches found.

• Multifunctional machining tools that increase accuracy and reduce machining time while, at the same time, being able to produce products with more complicated shapes

• Control hardware and software that costs less but offers “intelligent” functions that turn information into more efficient and precise production

Not all advances in manufacturing technology apply to the work Tag Team Manufacturing does. But we’re keeping our eye on every improvement to make sure we deliver the best value to our customers.