Tag : hiring cnc machinists

CNC Machinist

Tips for Hiring the Ideal CNC Machinist

Computer Numerical Control (CNC) technology has revolutionized modern manufacturing in the US. With CNC machining, the role of a CNC machinist (operators) has reduced significantly. The operator only feeds instructions in the computer, set up the required tools, feed the materials in the machine, and control speed leaving the computer to do the rest.

Given the complexity and technicality of the CNC machines, the operators need top-notch skills for set-up and programming. CNC machinists are fabricators, builders, mechanics, craftsmen and quality assurances making them difficult to find. Below are 6 tips for hiring the perfect CNC machinist;

Consider All Means of Advertising

Although the manufacturing industry looks promising, there’s a real scarcity of machinists in the US. Other than placing your ads in the local newspaper, radio, monster and indeed, Craigslist is also a good starting point that most take for granted.

While at it, expand your search to major cities rather than concentrating on your locality. Make it easy for applicants to reach out by leaving the company’s details guiding to the company’s website for a direct application.

Go Searching in the Nearest Technical Schools

Although most of the technical schools in the US have shifted away from CNC machining, you can still find a local mechanical engineering schools approach. Approach a couple of potential job candidates just before graduating before all of them are taken. Consider expanding your search to other states.

Train the Applicants Desired to Learn and the Drive to Succeed

In as much as you’d bring skilled workforce aboard, it may not be possible as fresh graduates from the US manufacturing schools may have no experience. But you can choose the talent with attention to detail and drive to learn and succeed then teach them on the job.

Promise to increase their wages over time after the training, so they don’t run away to greener pasture after the training.

Set an Exam for the Ideal Candidates

Resumes are just a means used by prospective applicants to show off their supposed skills and abilities. Undoubtedly, resumes will help you separate the chaff from the grain. However, comparing the applicants solely by their resumes would be a disservice to the company. Some of the best machinists do not have the best resumes.

Instead, consider giving the applicants a test to gauge their basic knowledge of the CNC machining. Some people get intimidated by a written test. Prepare a list of relevant questions and ask them verbally.

Involve Other Machinists in the Interviewing and Hiring Process

Company Machinists have a proper understanding of the machines and other tools. They can help structure a test the cuts across all areas of the job. Involve in chit-chat to keep the interviewees at ease before hitting them with the tough questions.

Allocate enough time for the prospective employees to spend time in the shop together with the interviewers so you can check out how they handle the machines.

Hiring a CNC machinist can be a daunting task. The tips above should help you land the best candidates with ease. Tag Team Manufacturing is a modern manufacturing company specializing in machining CNC for OEMs in almost all industries. We can produce over 50,000 components annually and have the skills necessary to work closely with the engineers in producing prototypes. We’re working continuously to improve and develop our processes and capabilities.


What are the Skills and Qualities Required to be Successful Machinists?

People tend to misunderstand what a CNC Machinist is and the skills they possess. Given that it takes at least seven (or more) years of technical tool and advanced manufacturing to become a certified machinist, summing up the qualities and skills required for the occupation can be difficult to explain in a simple sentence. So to give context brief to the occupation, a machinist is a person who performs techniques and operations without assistance in all facets of advanced machining techniques and operations. Much of their knowledge is gained through apprenticeship, which requires 576 hours of educational training and 8,000 hours of work learning all aspects of manual machining.

A Machinist’s Skill & Quality Set

Many individuals view machinists as people who operate by hardware and produce/cut materials into what is intended. However, this isn’t always the case as many industries utilizing Computer Numerically Controlled (CNC) machines. Some of the skill sets required for effective machinists are:

  • They must have the tolerance to gather and produce engineering parts that have been created from a wide range of materials. In addition to this, they should be able to work within size distinctions that are oftentimes only a hundredth of a single millimeter.
  • They must be proficient when handling the latest and current tools at their disposal, whether it be machine tools or measuring and hand paraphernalia. Machinists must also have experience and knowledge about laser cutting, screw machining, stamping, machine maintenance, machine building, machining, metalforming, and other techinical skills required for production.

When it comes to CNC machines, they are milling machines that are automated digitally. The main reason for CNC machine popularity is due to the fact that they reduce manpower, reduce time , and increase the quality of the product being produced. However, these machines do require machinist oversight in the event of failure. For example:

  • A CNC Machinist should be able to identify and interpret the 2D engineering blueprints/illustrations of the engineering machines or components. In addition to this, the CNC machinist must economically complete and plan the manufacturing of all components when utilizing the available equipment and time.

Aside from the technical aspects of the machine, the machinist must also know how to formulate procedures, set priorities, set schedules, and create a 3D image of the product mentally before it is created. This is a common quality found in expert machinists. Other important qualities include:

  • Paying careful attention to errors found in current manufactured equipment or components. If faults or errors are found, the machinist must correct them so the equipment or components can be used properly.
  • Maintaining a high level of craftsmanship. This is the most important quality a CNC Machinist can possess. They should have no problem finding safe, effective, and economical ways to improve productivity within a company or production.

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