Category : Manufacturing Process

ISO 9001

Top 10 Benefits of ISO Certification to a Custom Machine Shop

International Organization for Standardization (ISO) is an independent body that develops standards. Standards developed regulate services, products, and systems to guarantee safety, quality, and efficiency. ISO certification is essential for any machine shop. Why?

Some ISO standards govern custom machine shops. The ability to get certified gives several benefits to your business. For example, ISO 9001 sets out criteria for a company’s quality management system (QMS). ISO certification shows that your precision manufacturing company values its products and services.

Here are the top ten benefits of ISO certification to a custom machine shop.

1. Boosts Staff Morale

When business processes are well-managed and defined, employees feel more secure. They enjoy excellent job satisfaction in return. This contributes towards the success of your CNC manufacturing shop. Also, it makes your team satisfied, passionate and motivated towards achieving a common goal.

Motivated employees adhere to and carry out all processes put in place. This allows for quick identification and resolution problems and challenges at the workplace. Lots of research demonstrate the relationship between staff satisfaction and a company’s success. Motivating employees is excellent, but keeping them happy is the real deal.

It is advisable to have a complete QMS. A complete one contains documents, procedures, processes, and responsibilities in a formalized system.

For your business to thrive, it must follow QMS procedures and requirements. ISO certification also provides guidelines on employee training. For instance, CNC machinists need training to cope with ever changing technology. They also need training programs tailored to suit evolving customer needs.

With ISO certification, your business operates well when key people leave. The system implemented enhances teamwork.

2. Customer Satisfaction

Universal acceptance of ISO standards ensures that client confidence is a top priority. Leading CNC manufacturing companies enjoy consistency, efficiency, and dedication thanks to ISO.

ISO standard tracks customer satisfaction levels and reports issues and complaints. Businesses that seek and maintain ISO certification prove that they value quality assurance.

Additionally, areas important to your customers never go unnoticed. ISO certification outlines best approaches and practices based on customer needs and expectations. Manufacturing products that reduce costs and waste enables you to deliver quality products. As a result, it reinforces customer loyalty to your custom machine shop.

3. Improves Supplier Relationships

Best supplier relationships are primary to ISO certification. When followed, ISO certification processes streamline documentation and testing. In return, quality raw materials and general supplies get to your business. The process needs a rigorous evaluation of new suppliers before cutting deals. This enhances consistency on how and where your custom machine shop sources its supplies.

4. Promotes Proper Documentation

ISO standard certifications require proper documentation of business operations. Proper documentation shows any errors, changes, and discrepancies. Appropriate documentation process guarantees consistency throughout production boosting accountability.

Moreover, traceable records are available in case of substandard, non-compliant products or raw materials. This also helps you to pinpoint areas of weaknesses and unaccountable staff.

5. Improves Processes

ISO certification helps you manage reviews, audit processes, and improvement processes based on data. To improve business processes, careful planning and implementation based on facts obtained is crucial. Such data comes from system analysis and documentation. As a result, it helps you to make informed decisions on your business.

Streamlining business processes reduces unnecessary paperwork. Through improved processes, you focus on what’s important- innovation, enhanced growth, happy employees and profitability.

6. Improves Efficiency

ISO certification determines the requirements necessary for a company to source quality management system certification. First, a machine shop must enhance customer satisfaction through efficient and extensive application of management systems. The application features the guarantee of conformity to customer relations and applicable regulatory requirements. In addition, a company should adopt implementation of processes for constant improvement of the system.

Also, a machine shop in Denver has to demonstrate its capabilities to offer products and services that meet applicable regulatory and customer needs. Companies that undergo ISO 9000 QMS certification process strive to maximize quality and efficiency in their operations.

Once the company gets certified for QMS, establishment of precise processes commences. Guidelines are also put in place for all employees and CNC machinists to follow easily. That making transitions, training, and troubleshooting a breeze.

7. Increases Revenue

Several studies reveal that ISO certified companies enjoy improved financial performance and increased productivity as compared to uncertified companies. Having ISO certification for your Original Equipment Manufacturer and Denver Manufacturing business can enable you get partnerships from private and public sectors.

With regards to public sector tenders, ISO certification is a strong indication that a business is credible and well-managed. It eliminates the need for rigorous and extensive due diligence.

Majority of private sector organizations have made it a mandatory requirement for suppliers and partners to have ISO certification. Certified companies demonstrate reliability in all business aspects, professionalism and value quality work.

8. Encourages Consistency

Consistency remains a recognized foundation of ISO. All business processes from research, development, production, to shipping, are exhaustively defined, outlined, and documented. Room for error is minimized significantly. The process of making changes to a custom machine shop process is documented. It guarantees that all alterations made are well designed and executed with the best possible strategy to enhance efficiency.

ISO recommends various industries to use particular software formatting in reports, data collection, and product labelling. Consistent formatting eliminates the risks of using obsolete labels or documents.

9. Get Global recognition

The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) is wholly recognized as a global benchmark authority for quality management. When your machine shop gets ISO certified, global doors open. International recognition helps you engage international business community, partners and customers.

10. Better Management

Proper analysis and reporting are a fundamental in efficient and prosperous management of any business. The requirements and guidelines set by ISO standards help precision manufacturing businesses to seamlessly manage all their operations. Also, it helps in realizing factual approach to decision making.

For instance, ISO 9000 QMS standards elaborate clear instructions for process reviews and audits. In return, the approach assists in information gathering techniques and decision-making based on factual data from your business.

ISO certification increases the chances of a custom machine shop thriving in business. It makes your employees satisfied, clients safe and confident, and takes your business global. As the world continues becoming more globalized, the need for universal standardization becomes undisputed.

Today, it takes two to tango in business. What you produce contributes to a global business community. Are you interested in working with an ISO certified company? Get in touch with Tag Team Manufacturing.

CNC Machinist

Machine Shop Presents: Top 10 Ways to Keep Machinists over 10 Years

It’s never easy for manufacturers to attract, recruit and retain machinists. The problem isn’t going away any time soon. By 2025, the manufacturing industry will have approximately 3.5 million positions., but only 1.5 million getting filled according to study by the Manufacturing Institute in Partnership with Deloitte.

Numerous industry leaders suggest that quick advancement in manufacturing technology may alienate seasoned workers. Some think that robotics, programming skills and automation is the solution. Other players believe that lack of female presence on machine shop floors could be untapped labour source. Is it?

We spoke with top players in manufacturing and recruitment in a bid to unravel ways to retain CNC machinists for many years. Here is what we gathered.

1. Pay well

Paying competitive salaries with a tight budget and low funds can be difficult. But if you calculate the cost of replacing your machinist, it can help. It can cost between 30% and 50% of an entry level machinist annual salary to replace an experienced one. Most machinists in the manufacturing industry find they can get about 30% salary increase by moving to another company.

2. Make manufacturing jobs secure

Manufacturers struggle with the negative image of closing plants, driving down labour costs and offshore jobs. That perception has to change to attract and retain top machinists. You must show that manufacturing sector offers employment security.

3. Run newer fleet

Assuming you had to choose between operating a brand-new energy efficient machine or something built in the Reagan era, which one would you prefer? Most machinists would prefer working in a more pleasant environment. It’s more attractive to work in a clean, safe and comfortable environment. And when it comes to performance, new tech can make a big difference. If you’re having trouble retaining your machinists, think about their “office” and equipment.

4. Invest in training

Career growth is quite challenging especially for start-ups and young companies. Creating an organizational structure that allows for career-development is key. It is essential to help your machinists grow. Today, technology changes at breakneck speeds and machinists have to keep up.

Find innovative ways to generate resources for professional development. Provision of growth and learning opportunities is an ideal way to retain top machinists in your company.

Training is one of the best strategies to improve retention and increase employee loyalty. It’s also an incredible way to enhance productivity and manage costs, especially energy costs, which is achievable when a skilled machinist is in the cab.

The American Society for Training and Development (ASTD) recommends at least 40 hours of training annually for every employee. While that may sound daunting, keep in mind that training includes low cost activities like on the job mentoring and lunch time coaching.

Some more costly training includes classroom instructions, simulator-based training, offsite seminars and online courses. Regardless of how you do your training, it’s imperative to understand today’s labour market. “Nice-to-have” option is now replaced with “must-do-list.”

5. Make your mission and purpose clear

In modern workplace, millennial employees are the majority. They always need to understand the ‘why’ behind everything that your custom machine shop does. They need to recognize the purpose behind their job detail and believe in the mission. The new generation of CNC machinists desire to know that their work matters.

Ensure that your machine shop has an excellent mission and purpose statement. It should always be genuine

6. Promote creative thinking

Jobs that encourage creative and critical thinking encourage top talents, more so machinists. Creative minds make your precision manufacturing employees to enjoy their work and feel connected.

At least half of today’s workforce is not wholly engaged at work. Some employees ‘show up’ to get a salary. A large number of the workforce is disgruntled with what they do. It is up to the top management and authorities in machine shops to set up creative opportunities.

If you can come up with these opportunities, you’ll not only attract top talent, but also retain machinists. Who wouldn’t enjoy working in a creative setting?

7. Encourage innovation and problem solving

Innovation is wildly popular and a high selling point to the current workforce. Top talents enjoy challenges and innovation. Through creation of an innovation lab or department within your company, machinists can create projects.

Encouraging innovation helps improve your company image, makes machinists appreciated and benefits your clients. Innovation also displays thought leadership in the precision manufacturing industry.

The autonomy to create fundamental and viable solutions to problems is a significant attraction to modern machinists. Similar to creative thinking, it fosters the feeling of connection and enhances collaboration within the company. When machinists feel acknowledged, they are more likely to stay for long.

8. Reward and recognize your machinists

All rewards and recognition must be extrinsic and intrinsic. External motivation such as public recognition and external rewards include praise, bonuses, among others. Inherent motivation enables your staff to feel connected without compromising their autonomy, freedom, and opportunity for personal growth. Monetary bonuses are a plus. Recognition enhances goodwill and loyalty.

Make top machinists feel respected, appreciated, and worthwhile. Custom machine shop clients need to feel that their contributions are significant. Sincere praise and feedback are vital. Top talents are smart enough to recognize platitudes and sincere appreciation.

9. Build a collaborative culture

Teambuilding is an excellent way to enhance performance in a company. Although teambuilding courses and outdoor bonding activities are necessary, ingrained it the culture of your CNC manufacturing custom machine shop. A team-oriented culture can be extensively created and nurtured in your company’s daily operations.

Culture may include the types of meetings you have, where your machinists sit, and how you interact with customers and partners. Bringing in people with a shared sense of belief and purpose in your mission and values may also attract and retain the best machinists.

10. Leadership

Research shows that most workers quit their bosses, not companies. They need to know the managers, senior executives, founders, among others. Machine shops need excellent leadership that exhibits integrity.

There’s no one size fits all when it comes to retaining machinists. Other options to consider include:

  • Start your apprentice program
  • Pay retention bonuses
  • Invite your retired machinists to come back on part time basis
  • Develop ties with family members
  • Interview departing machinists and take their feedbacks seriously

Improving machinist retention rates doesn’t have to be an uphill task. By being a positive role model and connecting with your team, you’ll have a better chance to understand what they need to remain. what do you think? Contact Tag Team Manufacturing for more information.

quality control

Deburring and Metal Finishing: Choosing the Right Process for Your Manufacturing Needs

As a metalworker, there is no doubt that you appreciate the importance of deburring and finishing different parts before they are either completed or processed further. Over the years, significant strides have been made in terms of advances in technology, a factor that has made it possible to refine metal parts in such a way that they will meet the needs of the market. Regardless of the size of your machine shop or the type of pieces you deal in, technology can help you to produce metal parts for a wide range of applications. Denver manufacturing relies on machine deburring and metal finishing as some of the ways to address the flaws that metal parts may have.

The Difference Between Deburring and Fnishing

Before metal parts can be used for different applications, they must be refined to get rid of most of the flaws. This is the stage at which machine deburring and metal finishing are done. However, even as you think about precision manufacturing, it is important to bear in mind that these two processes are a bit different. This will make it easy for you to choose the more appropriate one.

Once a workpiece has been modified, there may be raised edges or pieces of material that are attached to its surface. These edges and pieces of materials are usually removed through deburring. With finishing, scaling and pitting on the surface of a workpiece are removed to prepare it for the next step or to enhance its quality and physical appearance.

Advantages of Machine Deburring

The fact that machine deburring is among the most popular ways of getting rid of flaws during various CNC manufacturing processes is a clear indication that the process has certain advantages.

Compared to hand deburring, automated deburring will greatly help to save both time and energy. In the long run, using machines will ensure that you maximize efficiency.

Since the grinding media will be attached to the machine, employees will not have to be in the work zone. This will minimize the risk of injuries caused by repetitive motion, effectively increasing safety in the workplace.

Without automation, it will be impossible for employees to achieve the perfect consistency. With automated deburring, the processed metal parts will have consistent quality despite changing operators when one finishes their shift.

Machine deburring is also associated with a wide range of new products that feature high quality finishes. This can go a long way in helping you stand apart from your competitors.

Disadvantages of Machine Deburring

For all the benefits linked to machine deburring, it is not without its downsides. Here are some of the disadvantages you should be aware of.

Most modern deburring machines feature advanced technology. It is partly because of this that buying a deburring machine makes for a huge investment. The high price tags on the machines are beyond the reach of a good number of people. This has stood in the way of the machines becoming widely available to many individuals and businesses.

Depending on the metal you wish to debur, you will have to constantly change out parts such as belts to achieve the desired results.

Machines cannot debur everything as required. This may require the use of a finisher to touch those parts that the machine could not work on.

Advantages of Metal Finishing

Metal finishing makes for another popular way of getting rid of rough surfaces and sharp edges. Some of the pros of metal finishing include:

By using machines that comprise both brush heads and abrasive belts, metal finishing will make it possible to achieve a wide variety of finishes. This means that you will have more decorative opportunities to explore.

Finishing specialists can prepare metal parts for secondary processes such as painting. The technique will play an important role in ensuring the next step is easier and delivers the great results that any original equipment manufacturer expects.

By working on the surface of the workpiece, metal finishing helps to improve the appearance of metal parts. The process also works to lengthen the lifespan of the pieces by enhancing their resistance to corrosion.

Metal finishing produces extremely smooth surfaces, a factor that not only ensures ease of cleaning but also eliminates the need to use harmful chemicals to keep such surfaces clean.

Disadvantages of Metal Finishing

Just like with machine deburring, metal finishing has a number of downsides. Before seeking the services of a skilled worker, here are some disadvantages you should know about.

Using a finisher to debur metal parts is bound to be a time consuming process. This is likely to undermine productivity.

To do high quality work that meets customer expectations, you will need a lot of high precision tools. You will not only have to invest in the wide range of tools but also learn how to use each one of them.

With a finisher, there is a chance that some parts will be deburred incorrectly. This will require that you spend more time on the parts to produce them in line with the specifications of your customers.

As a result of the disadvantages associated with using a finisher, this process can result in high production costs that may lower your profits.

Choosing a Deburring and Finishing Machine

When choosing the right machine for your needs, you must ensure that it will serve the intended purpose. In case your shop grinds similar materials consistently, you can choose to have dry machines. This means that shops that deal with different types of metals will benefit more from wet deburring and finishing machines. To get optimum performance from your machine, you should think about the type of abrasive as well as the specific characteristics and qualities of the workpiece you will be working on.

Consult the Experts

Choosing the most suitable deburring or finishing machine to handle your needs will not be a walk in the park. If you are not sure which machine will be appropriate, you can consult an expert in metal fabrication. Just like when looking for a CNC machinist, there are a few factors that you will have to keep in mind when selecting the expert to consult. These include whether they have the relevant industry experience if they have the right manufacturing partners, the kind of services they offer as well as relying on references from previous customers.

Since both machine deburring and metal finishing cost a significant amount of money, it is important to ensure that the process you choose will deliver the results you expect. Today, the opportunities available to you are limitless. In case you have unique needs, you can select a custom machine shop that offers quality and reliable services. At Tag Team Manufacturing, we specialize in machining CNC precision components for OEMs in different industries. Our skills and extensive experience make us the best machine shop Denver residents know.

machine shop

5 Ways Your Machine Shop is Inefficient

In order to succeed, a machine shop needs to have an edge over its competitors. Looking for inefficiencies is a great way to start, and fixing those inefficiencies can give your machine shop the edge it needs.

Early Tool Decay or Tool Failure

It’s not common for your tools to fail or break often. Finding the right tool is important, but it’s also important to prolong the life of your tools. Some machinists think that using the tools too aggressively causes them to wear out faster, but if you aren’t pushing the tool to the full potential it can cause it to decay faster in some situations. There are different types of tool failure, which can include abrasive wear, chipping, or tool fracture. Understanding your tools can help you make sure that you are minimizing downtime, as well as saving money on any replacement costs.

By being able to identify different types of tool wear, you can be ready to fix any issues quickly and help extend the life of your tools. Abrasive wear will dull the cutting edge of the tool by mechanical abrasion from the piece. If you notice this type of wear, reduce the cutting speed or use coolant. Using high efficiency milling toolpaths can also help reduce wear. Chipping can be seen by a nick on the cutting tool, or seen on the finish of the part. Excessive loads can cause chipping. Reducing feed rates can help. Thermal cracking can be seen by cracks in the tool perpendicular to the cutting edge. This is caused by extreme temperatures and can be solved by adding a proper coating to give the tool heat resistance. When a tool fractures it causes complete loss of the tool, and this can be because of a wrong coating or the wrong speeds and feeds. Make sure to adjust speeds and feeds and optimize the right coolant use, in order to avoid any hot spots that can cause fracture.

Subpar Part Finish

With a subpar part finish you are not providing your customers with the highest quality product, and it will affect your buyer seller relationships. It also will not allow you to increase prices or attract potential customers in the future. Many factors can affect part finish, which include the material, hardness, speeds and feeds your shop is running, and tool deflection. You are employing machinists and should have the highest quality tools so make sure you are getting your money’s worth of both, and your products should have a good finish.

Inefficient Coolant Usage

Coolant can be expensive and is often an expense that many machine shops forget about. Too much coolant is often applied when it’s not needed, costing a machine shop more money. Some machines have a minimum quality lubricant function that applies coolant as an aerosol, so it’s provided just enough coolant to operate efficiently while saving the amount of coolant that can be used. Sometimes it is needed to drown a piece in coolant, but oftentimes it is not and you can get away with using less coolant to save money.

Coolant can be delivered in different forms, and if you choose the wrong pressure it can lead to tool damage, which you need to avoid. When applied as air, it does not cool as efficiently as oil or water based coolants, but it is good for sensitive materials. When coolant is applied directly to plastic it can cause rapid expansion or contraction. Use mist when heat is not a major concern. When applied as a mist, both the part and the tool don’t go through more stresses. When the coolant is applied as a flood, it can be a low-pressure method that helps flush chips from the part in order to avoid chip recutting and protect your tool from damage. High-pressure application can be similar to flood coolant, but can sometimes be enough to break diameter tooling so it must be applied carefully. This method is often applied into grooves that are already built into the tool. Look at the application of coolants as well as the coolants that you are using. You may be able to use less high-performance lubricant instead of a lot of lower performance options. Coolant can also be re-used to save money. We have a great system at Tag Team Manufacturing that allows us to re-use the coolant saving time and money in our machine shop.

Not utilizing tool versatility

Many CMC cutting tools will perform multiple operations. Depending on the job, you may be able to get away with a tool you already have instead of having to go out and purchase additional tooling.

There are a number of multi-function tools you should consider having in your shop. Not only can drill mills be used for drilling and milling, but they can also be used for grooving, spotting and chamfering. This means they provide five different uses. Undercutting end mills can also be used for some slotting and contouring operations, and depending on the situation, such as clearance challenges, this can actually be the first choice. Double angle shank cutters can be referred to as the “Swiss army knife of machine,” so you know they are a versatile tool. They have six different functions that include thread milling, chamfering, back chamfering, machine v-grooves, deburring, and countersinking. Flat bottom tools, including drills and counterbores, are best used for holemaking, but they can be used for a number of different functions. These functions include thin plate drilling, cross hole drilling, angled drilling, half hole drilling, removing drill points, and straightening misaligned holes. Adjustable chamfer cutters can do more than just chamfering and can be used for beveling, deburring, and spotting.

High Machine Downtime

If your machines aren’t running, then you aren’t getting the most of them. The key to helping your machine shop reach maximum efficiency is minimizing machine downtime. You can do this in a variety of ways, such as keeping like parts together. All you would have to do is swap in and out material and the machine can use the same cutting tool. This allows you to spend less time swapping out tooling and spend more time letting the machine do its job. This requires planning to help make the machine shop more efficient.

What Should You Do?

Implementing a proactive maintenance strategy instead of a reactive maintenance strategy can help you avoid some of these issues and gain a competitive advantage. Maintaining equipment so you have less failure and less machine downtime will make sure you aren’t scrambling to figure things out. Make sure you have a system set in place for inventory management, so you are managing costs as well as handling and storage. This is especially important for lubricants that are expensive and can take up a good amount of storage.


GD&T 101: Understanding Fundamentals of GD&T in a Machine Shop

In precision manufacturing, electrical specs are ideal for specifying electrical components appearing on a drawing. Mechanical components require unique spec system that are replicable.

Also, mechanical spec system should be clear, precise and not excessively restrictive. Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing (GD&T) is the new phase of precise designs.

What is GD&T?

Geometric dimensioning and tolerancing (GD&T) is the primary international language that aims to offer clarity in most drawing interpretations and specifications. The ideal use of GD&T in CNC manufacturing helps in the elimination of vague drawings. Vague drawings give room for guesswork, controversy, and assumptions in manufacturing and inspection processes.

GD&T is a language of standards and symbols wholly designed and used by top CNC machinist, engineers, and manufacturers worldwide. They use this language to describe products and facilitate communication between entities working together to create products.

Through advanced knowledge on the best practices to create a well-structured GD&T, you can improve communication with your custom machine shop Denver. As a result, everyone in the workplace speaks the same language.

Why is GD&T Important?

GD&T may seem like a complex language. It requires correct interpretation and specification for efficient and effective communication. Improper implementation can cost your company a lot of money. Nonetheless, excellent training offers your employees sufficient comprehension of GD&T and its proper application on a particular job.

Constant measurement and effective communication across engineering processes and disciplines are vital for production of superior products. GD&T helps you achieve this goal. It’s primarily designed to address major challenges facing companies and organizations when describing product geometry.

GD&T symbol language allows for accurate communication of all geometry needs for any related components and assemblies. Designers, engineers, and manufacturers use the ‘language’ to understand detailed engineering drawings in commercial design, automotive, manufacturing, electronics, and aerospace industries.

Moreover, it assists in controlling and specifying forms, location, and orientation of the features. GD& T also characterizes machine shop components and manufactured parts.

GD&T symbols for every dimension on a manufactured part or component are defined in connection to a datum. Datum is a theoretically perfect plane, point, or line on a manufactured component perceived to be the reference point for all dimensional measurements and tolerance calculations.

All datum(s) on every manufactured or designed component is considered as the ‘zero point.’ Calculations get built from the reference point to every other dimension to guarantee consistency of particular parts. Therefore, manufacturing, design, and quality engineers get great manufacturing and measurement clarity. Furthermore, incorporation of a datum dramatically simplifies all specification and design processes.

ISO-certified GD&T languages have successfully replaced complex and long industrial descriptions with simple symbols. The symbols are clearly and unanimously understood by all precision manufacturing personnel required to read and interpret any engineering drawing.

Benefits of GD&T

GD&T offers many benefits to OEM manufacturers. The entire design philosophy implemented in GD&T is similar to that extensively featured in functional dimensioning. Every part gets defined based on how it functions in the end product.

The designer meticulously bases the required tolerance on part function instead of copying it from a previous drawing. This strategy enables the use of maximum tolerance in the production of parts.

When applied appropriately, functional dimensioning, often multiplies the total tolerance on most component dimensions twice or thrice. Dimensioning significantly lessens the overall manufacturing costs.

With the incorporation of accurate coordinate dimensioning, all tolerance zones are not associated or connected to any functional requirements. In case a designer assigns tight tolerances, problems can occur since they are not in any way resolute in the determination of a beneficial and functional tolerance.

So, why use GD& T?

Round tolerance zones

Round tolerance areas permit roughly 57% supplementary tolerance compared to square zones which result in additional functional parts. The manufacturing process gets enhanced in capabilities when more tolerance on the parts. This helps in significant reduction of manufacturing costs.

Bonus Tolerance

Under certain conditions, GD&T creates room for a bonus tolerance in addition to round tolerance. The bonus comes from the use of Maximum Material Condition (MMC) modifier. The MMC modifier increases tolerance in precision manufacturing.

Bonus tolerance is a practical example of a win-win situation for the involved OEM since manufacturing can get further tolerance when holes are bigger than their smallest functional size. On the other hand, clients get a guarantee parts will assemble without a hitch.

Tolerance zone in coordinate tolerancing is always constant with size irrespective of hole conditions. Several functional parts can be scrapped to create a more rigorous condition for CNC manufacturing. Bonus tolerance allows for additional tolerance in production which assists in lowering operational costs.

Reduces Assembly Problems

GD&T inspection process ensures that all parts assemble correctly. Assembly procedures don’t necessarily require a CNC machinist on the assembly line using a hammer and a two-by-four.

Moreover, GD&T inspection process ensures that OEMs can obtain multiple sources or use competitive souring for the same part. The reduction of assembly problems consequently increases your company’s profitability.

Clear Communications for Inspection

GD&T’s datum system enhances clear communications of a single set up feature for inspection. The assessment equipment mainly stimulates datums. The symbol that is universally used in the specification of any datum denotes the part surfaces that meticulously touch the gaging apparatus during inspection.

All datum features get chosen based on part function and assembly requirements. They are in most cases the features that comprehensively mount and precisely locate parts in its specific assembly. The datum(s) reference letters get specified within the statistical and geometric controls. They also symbolize the series in which specific part surfaces majorly contact the gaging equipment.

GD&T supports SPC use

GD&T datum system offers repeatable part dimensions essential for designing a reliable SPC chart. SPC data might comprise of assumptions with implementation of coordinate tolerancing which diminishes the accurateness of data obtained. Profile control use is an ideal example of how GD&T supports SPC.

Profile control helps in the establishment of a mathematically distinct tolerance zone. Moreover, it relates extensively the obtained measurement to datums. Precise tolerance zone description does not exist whenever coordinate tolerancing is used.

Profile control together with datum system enhances the accuracy of the obtained SPC data. Therefore, no unnecessary changes are made in the Original Equipment Manufacturer and Denver Manufacturing processes. It saves time and money for the company.

For original equipment manufacturers to realize the benefits of GD&T, correct utilization is key. When used incorrectly, it can result in costly errors. For example, if a manufacturer uses erroneous drawings to choose machines to use and production rates, it results it incorrect cost estimates. In the long run, manufacturers end up using wrong equipment and producing substandard products. Solution?

Customers want to work with companies who have successfully used this incredible technology. Call or visit Tag Team Manufacturing to speak with our experts.

cnc machine in action

Machine Shop 101: Top 7 Secrets To Choose Right

Selecting a CNC Machine Shop can be a daunting task with many options available. Innovative strategies are imperative to guarantee selection of a competent shop providing cutting edge technology. Usually, an Original Equipment Manufacturer has experienced evaluators that determine whether a supplier has the minimum requirements.

The team features Quality, Sourcing, and Machining personnel. Each team member represents particular facets of the business. Some Precision Manufacturing set rigorous requirements when conducting supplier evaluation.

Why choose the best machine shop Denver suppliers? 

Choosing a machine shop supplier determines the success of your company in so many ways. Some of the benefits of choosing the ideal one include:

•    Lower costs
•    Reduced scrap levels
•    Great agility
•    Smoother workflow
•    Improved forecasting
•    Reduced setting times
•    Shortened manufacturing lead times

What is the secret?

1.    Samples of Previous Work

Any shop or manufacturer can claim to make the best equipment for every industry. However, custom machine shops that are proud of their products go a notch higher and allows you to inspect their prototypes. Also, they let customers and business owners see all parts and equipment manufactured in their shop.

When customers see examples of previous work, they get a visual representation of their attention to details and craftsmanship delivered to every piece. They get to verify the quality of the end product even when the supplier is working with huge runs of 2-dimensional parts under pressure of tight deadlines.

The ideal CNC machine shop should offer samples on demand and have a command in discussions about their industries of specialization. A knowledgeable and experienced machine shop gives customers great confidence in the quality of their machines. Previous samples confirm that a supplier has honed their skills working with a plethora of materials commonly used in a particular industry.

Don’t you think high end machine shops should be able to deliver precise cuts needed to fit into customer’s specifications?

2.    Enables Project Flexibility

As you choose a custom machine shop that is conversant with crafting ideal parts for your industry, also focus on how flexible they are with particular jobs. The search for a perfect choice should not make you jump from one shop to another. Sometimes, in-house limitations relating to the types of equipment their CNC machinist can work with on their availability and your project.

The best Denver Manufacturing machine shop has in-house skilled machinists, equipment, and necessary experience to get most projects completed as quickly as possible without undermining quality. Ideal manufacturers should also be flexible in offering different size runs ranging from small prototype machining to big scale productions using assortment of materials.

3.    Incessant Improvement

Leading Custom Machine Shops always pay great attention to continuous improvement. Progressive improvements of materials, parts, and equipment produced increases value offered to customers. Some strategies used to measure improvement process include Lean, Six Sigma, Kaizen, and other techniques. Evidence of such quality improvement measuring processes ought to be readily available to customers with proven results.

4.    Offers Excellent Communication Methods

Communicating specifications for prototypes, materials, and parts in any precision machine shop should always be continuous. Alterations can arise at any time. Whenever communication between machine shops and manufactures goes limbo, doubts kick in. Dissatisfaction extends to potential clients through reviews and recommendations.

A quality machine shop focuses on these four customer communication aspects:

•    Allows customers to use their preferred communication channel that suits their operation.
•    Takes time to explain technical capabilities of various machine parts to clients.
•    Offers a contact person who is readily available to answer questions and implement alterations quickly to minimize material waste and time loss.
•    Asks relevant questions concerning customer’s project and how to enhance their job to get value for money and improve their experience.

5.    Implements Quality Control Measures

Quality is paramount for every customer irrespective of parts or equipment ordered. Therefore, every Precision Manufacturing company should create control measures that eliminate production errors in all steps of a manufacturing process. If a shop lacks documented quality control measures, it’s advisable to seek services elsewhere.

A professional Denver Manufacturing shop will be ready to talk about quality certifications such as IS0 9001 and AS9100 standards. They have extensive documentation about the equipment used to determine specification accuracy, for example, coordinate measuring machines. They elaborate what control standards are set for every part, machine, and equipment whenever rejection rate starts to rise.

The best Custom Machine Shop informs their customers about their failure rates and measures taken to reduce this rate to manageable levels.

6.    Equipment and Technology Advances Investment

A CNC shop is just as good as their machinists, staff and equipment produced. It is advisable to research on the types of software and equipment currently used to make the required prototypes and parts. Moreover, ask the shop management about other materials and equipment available in their shop.

Research on all equipment used in the production run phase, for instance, CNC Machining, Wire EDM, and Manual Machining. That information is essential since some stages in the manufacturing process may require hands-on approach for tooling prototypes. The shop should be well equipped with various software capabilities and can modify model designs upon request.

Additionally, CNC Machinists should be well qualified to handle onsite equipment and software efficiently. Their extensive knowledge of all equipment necessary for the production process and how well they use quality measuring equipment should be certified at proficient levels. Therefore, technicians should never hamper any of your bottom lines.

7.    Interact with Previous Customers

After reviewing an Original Equipment Manufacturer capabilities, communicate with previous customers. It is advisable to check reviews given by previous customers online about the shop. Questions that you may ask previous customers include:

•    What customer service got provided?
•    Did the machine shop meet expectations and how did they enhance customer experiences?
•    How long did the customers work with the machine shop?
•    Were there any defects or problems with deadlines and how did the machine shop resolved these issues?
•    Did the machine shop offer extensive information about their capabilities?
•    How were communication and modification requests handled in cases where changes were necessary?

Speaking to previous customers enables you to learn about all the procedures that the Manufacturing Shop implements to satisfy customers. Why choose blindly when you got so much time and reviews online?

The future of machining is brighter now than ever. There are many things to produce. Pressure is mounted on machine shops to play their part in increasing machine and machinist’s abilities and management to maximize flexibility and speed. Are you looking for such machine shop? Get in touch with Tag Team in Denver.  

Education concept: Helpful Tips with optical glass

Tips for Choosing a CNC Machining Partner

While the US machine manufacturing industry continues to grow rapidly, choosing the best strategic partner for your CNC machining can be quite challenging. However, this process should not be that difficult if you have the correct pieces of advice beforehand. Below are some machine shop tips that you might want to put into consideration when sizing up for the best service provider.

#1: The Technology in Use

The power of technology cannot be underestimated in the engineering and manufacturing sector. Therefore, it is an excellent idea to know the type of technology in use in your preferred machine shop. While there are many companies out there relying on standard technology, this could be a constraint when it comes to both design and machining. That is why it is paramount to work with a manufacturer who is fully automated and equipped with all the necessary precision tools and equipment. At Tag Team, we have heavily invested in Computer Numerical Control (CNC) manufacturing that allows us to deliver precise component machining to our customers. Additionally, this revolutionary approach to manufacturing helps us to achieve zero-defects because once your design is fed into the computer; our CNC machines can repeat the production process multiple times. This also helps to lower lead-time.

#2: The Expertise of the Staff

Sometimes you may go with a price that you think is good only to end up with a component that does not conform to your print or assembly. In other cases, your project may be delayed, and the excuse the manufacturer tells you is “your component design is too complex.” Therefore, you need to be vigilant when dealing with machine shops and only work with a company that has a reputation for interpreting designs and prints accurately and delivering projects on time. At Tag Team Manufacturing, we have created a work environment where our machinists make a long-term career. We know very well that expensive equipment and software are worthless if they are not coupled with qualified and experienced staff to deliver quality services and meet the exact customer specifications. In fact, the vast majority of our machinists are US manufacturing schools graduates and can handle all complexities relating to components design and implementation.

#3: Range of Materials and Services

Choosing a manufacturer who offers diverse metal machining services can save you a lot of time and paperwork. Consider a case scenario where you want a design component that has to incorporate several metals or materials. Definitely, it would be much more convenient to outsource to one manufacturer than several of them for a single project. That is why we at Tag Team Manufacturing have CNC machining for a variety of materials including plastic, stainless steel, aluminum, copper, brass, carbon steel, and most alloys. Besides, we have an extensive network of support vendors who provide brazing, plating, heat treatment, painting, and welding among other services.

#4: Relationship Sustainability

For those considering to enter into an Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) contract with a CNC machining firm, you might need to evaluate the sustainability of the relationship. First, put into perspective whether the manufacturer has the requisite CNC automation to meet your demand and needs. Second, the machine shop you want to enter into a contract with should protect your business interests and keep the requirements of the end-users in mind. That being said, Tag Team has an excellent reputation for producing components for EOM’s in almost all industries. Our production capacity is about 50, 000 components annually, which means we can meet your demand without compromising on quality. In addition, we protect the interest of our clients, as we do not publicize our relationships with EOM’s who buy components from us.

5S sketch notes on blackboard

How to Implement 5s in the Manufacturing Workplace

The efficiency and the safety of a manufacturing organization are vital for improved productivity, quality production, and profitability. The 5S is a methodology aimed at optimizing the productivity and reducing waste at the factory. It makes use of visual cues and an orderly workplace to achieve consistent results. The 5S is implemented by small teams working together to achieve a higher goal of efficiency. It can be performed in any company that does manufacturing in the USA.

Steps in 5S implementation

1. Sort

The first S deals with getting unwanted obstacles out of the way to enhance speed in the production activities. All unneeded items should be kept away and the right people allowed to do the job at hand. In essence, the production workplace should only have items needed for the current operations in their bare form.

Why is it important to sort?

With enough space, time and efforts can be managed effectively as everything is in its place. In addition, it removes any annoyances and hindrances in the workflow management and lowers incidences of injury where there are moving parts in the production process.

2. Set in Order

The setting order involves arranging items such that they are in the area that they would be used. Each item is labeled for the ease of identifying it at the workplace.

Why is it important?

Setting things in order eliminates several kinds of waste that include;

· Waste of human energy as workers look for items across the facility

· Downtime as production activities await the delivery of the said items

· Difficulty in inventory management as some of the items cannot be traced.

US manufacturing school also teach the importance of putting everything in order as it lowers the chances that a wrong raw material may be used in producing a particular item.

3. Shine

Keeping the workplaces clean enhances efficiency and work morale. Clean machines and tools also work efficiently and do not break down now and then. The workplace and tools used daily should be cleaned each end of the day so that everything is set for the next work day. This applies to hand tools and CNC machining equipment at the workplace.

Why is it important?

· Clean machines produce items with fewer defects

· Puddles of dirt and oil are more likely to cause slipping injuries

· If machines do not receive regular maintenance, they tend to break down more often

4. Standardize

The above-said procedures should be maintained each day. The management of the workplace should standardize the processes so that the conditions do not deteriorate at any point. Similarly, the quality of the products should be maintained by such technology as CNC automation. CNC manufacturing ensures mechanical engineering products are cut to precision every time and products are of the same quality all through.

5. Sustain

The improvements on the procedures should be efficient in the long term. Inspections and audits help determine the effectiveness of any improvement in the production environment. US manufacturing schools teach on quality control especially in mechanical engineering and other production industries. If any improvement does not improve the quality of the product, lower the cost of production or make the work easier, it is not worth implementing.

There is high competition among competing firms in US manufacturing industry. One way a company can lead the pack is by cutting down the waste and maintaining the product standards. In addition to the procedures taught in mechanical engineering schools production managers should enhance optimal productivity by making the workplace efficient, clean and inviting.

Industry concept: Lean Manufacturing on computer keyboard background

5 Lean Manufacturing Principles Every Machinist Should Know

Lean Manufacturing principles are the way to improve manufacturing processes and can be applied to any production process. Every machinist should know these lean manufacturing principles in order to increase efficiency and help reduce costs. With the right lean manufacturing principles, US manufacturing can compete on an international level. There are five principles to incorporate: value, value stream, flow, pull and perfection.


The value should be established early on in the CNC manufacturing process. In determining the value, machinists should look at the needs of the customer for the product. Other things to consider are the timeline, price point and if the customer’s expectations are going to be met.

Value Stream

After value has been determined, there needs to be an established process that takes the materials to the final product, known as value stream. Value stream is mapping out the steps it takes to complete the whole process. Every step needs be identified no matter what department it is in, whether it’s design, production administration, delivery or customer service. Once every step is determined, it’s necessary to go through the steps in order to find ones that don’t create any value and are wasteful. This process can be referred to as re-engineering, and helps better understand the whole organization. It’s important to identify inefficient inventory control, defects or bottlenecks in the process in order to make the system more lean.

In this step, determining everything of nonvalue is very important. It’s necessary to learn the difference between value and waste, and vendors may need to be consolidated. Purchasing supplies and components from one source may eliminate waste, since communicating with multiple people can use up time and money.


Once the waste has been eliminated from the process through value stream, the next step is to determine the flow of the remaining steps to continue to eliminate any interruptions, bottlenecks or delays. The steps need to flow smoothly. Sometimes it’s needed to look at all departments so they become cross-functional. This can lead to increases in productivity and efficiency, sometimes showing more than 50% improvement.


The idea of pull is to have the product ready for the consumer at any time, because the steps to make the product have become efficient and that product can be pulled when needed. This saves money for the manufacturing process because products don’t have to be stockpiled and there isn’t inventory just sitting there where people have to manage it.


Lean is not just a one-time thing and, in order to achieve perfection and perfect value, the first four principles need to be looked at often and incorporated into the company culture. All employees should be involved in the process. Even though many of the processes are within manufacturing, other departments can still be involved. It may be necessary to repeat value steam and flow to create maximum efficiency.

When implemented correctly, lean principles will help improve efficiency and provide other values, such as increased workplace safety. Lean principles not only can be applied to manufacturing, but also different departments. By thinking outside the box, lean can be used to reduce fatigue in the manufacturing process, which can reduce injury potential. Not only does the company benefit from lean principles, but customers benefit as well.

Metal Wheel Concept

Improving CNC Machine Shop Efficiency and Productivity

As manufacturing continues to evolve, CNC machinists find themselves in stressful situations since the skills gap is diminishing with time. It has become very difficult to find experienced CNC manufacturing machinists in this industry. The level of competition is up which requires high CNC automation of machine tools to provide stiff competition to other CNC machine providers.

The high demand for quality parts means that mechanical engineering and milling processes must put more emphasis on increased productivity and manufacturing. Today, modern valuable CNC machining tools have made it possible for most shops to modernize their operations. To remain competitive, CNC machinists must find viable ways of increasing their output and maintain reliable, quality and exceptional customer care services.

Time is an important aspect in CNC manufacturing and each machine shop owner wish to make their shops more productive and efficient. Here are three main tips for improving your CNC machine shop efficiency and productivity.

Prolonging the Life of the Tool

Consider having a high-pressure coolant system or increase the concentration of the existing one. It is advisable to examine your tool holder and the inserts from time to time to enhance its lifespan. This simple process helps you to prevent any disastrous failures. You should also record the number of materials that are being removed. Mechanical engineering schools put a lot of emphasis on avoiding extreme contact time with the new materials.

During this process, it’s advisable to go for harder insert grades of your choice which will service you for long. To maintain your tool holder for a long time, some specific coatings like aluminum oxide will help you to reduce the cycle while increasing the lifespan of your tool, feed rates and cutting speeds. Alternatively, you may consider investing in a cryogenic machine.

Improve the Organization

Lack of proper organization may lead to loss of money and significant manpower. There is need to maintain a properly arranged workplace for your business especially if it’s a machine tool. You have to organize things and put them in place when you are done with your work.

You should make sure you invest in quality shadow boards, and tool draws such as those used at US manufacturing schools. You should also improve the labeling system of your arrangements to prevent confusions. Cleanliness of your equipment and shop floor should be maintained since it’s beneficial to your health and business.

Equipment Management System

It is profitable to keep your tool cost as low as possible and invest in US manufacturing tool management system while setting your time down. A good and reliable tool management system will help you to manage and track your inventory. This will enable you to reduce the cost of overstocking or understocking of the tool supply.

The manufacturing in USA enables you to find useful software that will help you control performance, tool usage and procurement in your CNC machine shop. The software also provides crucial purchase notifications to help you avoid costly downtimes. You need to understand that your production quantity isn’t the only factor that drives business growth. You need to thoroughly evaluate the kind of services you are providing to your clients and streamline your overall business processes.